
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Adventure Begins

Welcome friends! I am so excited to finally roll out my new blog today.  I've been blogging at  Bluebird1959  since 2012.  I've had the itch to make a few changes and, after much thought, an entirely new blog seemed to be my best choice. we go! Why Far Ago Farm? When I was growing up, there was a farm on our road with a very long driveway. At the drive entrance, a wooden sign post read "Farago Farm." My entire life, I always believed the inspiration for the farm's name was it's long drive - you know,   far ago.  As I considered names for this blog, I mentioned to my husband my plans to name it after that farm.  He actually grew up next to that farm and his family knew the owners.  He wondered why I picked that name. I rolled my eyes. ("Do I really need to explain this honey? ") Well, it turns out, the owners were Italian and their last name was Farago. Pronounced Fa-Rah-Go.  Wah wah...There went my cute life connection...

Far Ago Farm - Coming October 31, 2018

Please join me for the launch of my new blog - Far Ago Farm! The first official post will be Wednesday, October 31st! Hope y'all will join me! Jane Amaze Me Monday Metamorphosis Monday Inspire me Monday Inspire Me Tuesday The Scoop