What My Blog Is Not & Decor Sneak Peek

Welcome friends! As I thought about starting this new blog and all of things I wanted it to be, I also knew what I didn't want it to be. That is what I want to share with you today. I love to read decorating blogs, don't you? I've got my favorites. I also have stopped reading a few. Not because I didn't enjoy their beautiful homes and talents. I stopped reading them because they became shaming blogs. You know the ones: they publish lists of what they deem outdated or passe. They snub their noses at chevron or burlap or Tuscan style, etc. - the very styles they at one time touted as the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. "What was I thinking?" " My style has matured so much since then. " Or they make statements such as, "My house was so builder basic until I did this, that or the other thing to it." to my 3,000 square foot, whirlpool in the bath, granite countered home. Blah. Blah. Blah. I am guilty of saying some ...