
Showing posts from December, 2021

Christmas 2021 Home Tour/Our New Kentucky Home

 Merry Christmas dear friends! I know it's late in the season, but I still wanted to share our new house all gussied up for its very first Christmas! There are a lot of pictures, so I'll keep the words to a minimum. I will be back in a day or two to share some history about some of my favorite pieces of Christmas decor. Thank you so much for making it to end of this long post! I also want to wish you a very happy and blessed holiday.  I know the holidays are not always easy for many of us (my own  mom passed away on Christmas Day four years ago). So if you are sad or lonely this year, please know you are not alone and you are loved. I do hope you can find joy in even something small... the sunrise, a pretty bird, ice cream(!), the warmth of the sun. Look for the joy - it's there! Join me here: Saturday Sparks All About Home Inspire Me Tuesday Thursday Favorite Things

Cozy Christmas Outdoor Space

 Hi friends!  Whew...can you believe Christmas is just a few days away? Are you ready?! Our Christmas celebration is small this year now that we live in Kentucky, but I've still been busy preparing for our family of five.  I have some baking and meal planning to do, but things are fairly under control. I don't know though, there is always that last minute time crunch I'm sure I will be feeling soon. Ha! I thought I'd share with one of our favorite places in our new house. We don't really know what to call it, but the builder refers to it as outdoor living. It just doesn't roll off the tongue, so if you have any suggestions of what to call it, let me know in the comments please! Whatever name it goes by, we absolutely love it, so without further ado, come take a little tour around our outdoor living space all decked out for Christmas. We love having morning coffee by the fire or watching Sunday football with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. It's very cozy thi

It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

 Hi friends, The calendar page has turned from November to December and that means the Christmas season is upon us!  This year we will be celebrating in our new state and home in Northern Kentucky which is very exciting for us.  While we probably won't have a white Christmas like we usually had in Wisconsin, we are more than blessed to be living close to our daughter, sil and five month old grandson. What a Christmas it will be! I've got lots of Christmas decor to share and today I am kicking it off with a plea to Santa Claus! Happy Holidays Y'All!